Holy shit, that hit the spot. The bag fucking up at the end is just the cherry on top. Chef’s kiss!
Every little thing just gives a small “…eghhhhh…” Feeling
They forgot the part where you sit on the couch waiting for the tea to steep and then remember you made tea 45 minutes later.
Or finally take the first sip, then get distracted by something else and discover your cold cup on the counter hours later.
Go to warm it up and find yesterday’s tea in the microwave…
aaaand I’m going to bed upset. Thanks OP
My lord… This video just nails it. I cringed and related to each part.
British problems
I was waiting for it to transition to throwing raw eggs and gasping.
Whoever had the bright idea to turn teabags into flails should rot in an oubliette.
It’s missing the bag breaking a little earlier and falling into the cup so you have to fish it out with the spoon. Bonus points if the spoon is too short
Should have ended with tossing the tea and filling the cup with whiskey.
What kind of blasphemy is this?
You drink half the cup, then proceed to top it up with whisky. Repeat once it’s half empty again, until you’re asleep or out of whisky. It’s a homeopathic recipe.
Could be worse. The bag could have tore, filling your cup withbtea debris
Then finally enjoy your microplastic drink!
Everything in this video is ‘fixable’ : hold the damn tab while pouring water, install the bin liner properly, cellophane is not that difficult, etc.
But the thing that triggers me like nothing else is the semi-perforated ‘easy opening’ half-circle of that carton box. Those fail without fail and I am convinced it is constructed by satan himself, just to mess with your mind and propel your anger to new heights. Same as with those easy to tear strips, they never rip in one go and always fail at about 5% of the tear-action. May the gods of retribution take extra notice and effort to espouse their vindictive cruel ways upon these so called ‘designers’ who invent them. May the fleas of a thousand camels invade the crotch of the person. And may their arms be to short too scratch.
Easy tear strips you should pull slightly down as well as across, I basically never have an issue with those.
Easy opening perforated boxes are a lie and I just open them like a normal one because tearing the glue designed to be permanent is a lot easier than opening the easy open section.
My wife and I have been joking about the perforation machine conspiracy for a couple of years now
WTF is this string squeeze technique?!
Squidge the bag against the side of the cup with the spoon.
What now? Why is anyone squeezing a tea bag? Is this some sort of catholic, I deserve to be miserable kind of thing? Why ruin your tea with fines and bitter tannins?
I’m too lazy to remove the teabag, what now Brits
It’s disturbing to hear, but at least laziness is an ethos I can get behind.
But the ultimate question is, will this be a case where the username checks out?
££££££££££££££££££££££££££ As long as you’re drinking it black (no milk), when you’re finished, you can just pour on more hot water, and get a free drink. Your free drink will be slightly weaker than the previous one. You can then repeat this until all flavour is gone. ££££££££££££££££££££££££££
I like it because it reduces bin juice.
But I like the tannins!
Welp my super catholic mom squeezes her teabags until not a single drop more comes out. It’s awful. I never squeeze a teabag!
Maybe I enjoy the misery.
Otherwise the teabags drips all over the surface!
If you must know, most of the time I don’t use a teabag. I use loose leaf in a teapot. No squeezing required.
I could relate and have experienced at some point in my life all of these issues except that squeezing method. I personally just let tea bag in cup for 5 min or so and then squeeze it with my fingers when it is not boiling hot.