If you could rely on supporters to actually abstain from buying things for the duration of the protest, and you had enough supporters then ok extending the duration of the protest might “help” crash the economy.
What I was kind of getting at is that you really can’t rely on supporters to abstain and you don’t have enough supporters.
The longer the protest (or… the more inconvenient the protest), the less dedication you’re going to have from supporters.
I whole heartedly agree with the screen cap in the post suggesting that protesters seem to think they can just observe some rite and all of society’s ailments will be resolved. Real actual change is going to involve real actual pain, and unfortunately the plebs always carry that burden.
My feeling is that presently people are dissatisfied but not really desperate enough to undertake the civil disobedience required to invoke meaningful change. For example, could you organise enough people to boycott starbucks until they allowed employees to unionise? It would take time, organisation, and dedication. This is just one teeny tiny example of a potential first step, a rallying cry, a way to demonstrate a proof of concept. However, I just don’t think it’s achievable.
My point that even if you had all the supporters you needed right now, the current plan is basically “let’s crash the economy” with no forethought on what happens next. How do you crash the economy AND prevent new monopolies from forming in the wake AND not starve half the population to death in the process? No one ever addresses the second part, which is why this is exactly like the screen cap.
If you could rely on supporters to actually abstain from buying things for the duration of the protest, and you had enough supporters then ok extending the duration of the protest might “help” crash the economy.
What I was kind of getting at is that you really can’t rely on supporters to abstain and you don’t have enough supporters.
The longer the protest (or… the more inconvenient the protest), the less dedication you’re going to have from supporters.
I whole heartedly agree with the screen cap in the post suggesting that protesters seem to think they can just observe some rite and all of society’s ailments will be resolved. Real actual change is going to involve real actual pain, and unfortunately the plebs always carry that burden.
My feeling is that presently people are dissatisfied but not really desperate enough to undertake the civil disobedience required to invoke meaningful change. For example, could you organise enough people to boycott starbucks until they allowed employees to unionise? It would take time, organisation, and dedication. This is just one teeny tiny example of a potential first step, a rallying cry, a way to demonstrate a proof of concept. However, I just don’t think it’s achievable.
My point that even if you had all the supporters you needed right now, the current plan is basically “let’s crash the economy” with no forethought on what happens next. How do you crash the economy AND prevent new monopolies from forming in the wake AND not starve half the population to death in the process? No one ever addresses the second part, which is why this is exactly like the screen cap.
Yeah but then if they had to actually do real work for their protest, we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place would we