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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • The American/English language is awesome. We’ve got these great rules with sentence structure and grammar that makes things super easy once you learn the tricks.

    A well regulated Militia**,** being necessary to the security of a free State**,** the right of the people to keep and bear Arms**,** shall not be infringed.

    Little English trick for you. Remove the words between the commas and see if the sentence makes sense.
    “A well regulated Militia shall not be infringed.” - Looks pretty good.
    “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, shall not be infringed.” - Still looks good and justifies the reason.
    “A well regulated Militia, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” - Still looking good and provides context as to WHO the Militia is.

    We put it all together and get
    A well regulated Militia (which is needed for security) (made up of people with guns) is a right granted to the State.

    If we add the missing comma to your initial statement before the word ‘shall’.
    Yes, the way your statement is written it would contain books to libraries and would not EXPLICITY provide such protections (book ownership) to individuals. It does not limit individuals, but it does not grant them special rights either.

    If “the founders” had wanted everyone to be able to buy a gun they would not have included the word Militia. They’re authorizing States the rights to form their own National Guard. Keep in mind, they are NOT saying the average person cannot have a gun. It is my belief that during these times of ‘unrest’ that they wanted at least some form of local army to defend against invasion. Folks that get training on weapon use and military tactics.

    Also some food for thought, nowhere in the 2A or Constitution is the word “ammunition”. So if the government so wished, they could simply make possession of primers illegal.

    Read your statement again and now it makes sense why you think what you think. It’s the comma you either left off intentionally or conveniently. Commas matter.

    Edit: The 2A does not GRANT or DIMINISH an individuals’ right to arms as it never addresses the subject. It only GRANTS the right to those members of the Militia.