Honestly therapy isn’t for everyone. There’s lots of shitty therapists out there that do more damage than good, and far more often than not it’s expensive. I agree with the sentiment here but people on the internet really need to stop suggesting it to everyone all the time.
Everyone should see a therapist. Not every day or even every year but it’s one of the best preventative measures you can have. People bring it up because a lot of folks who struggle with basic emotional health problems don’t see one or feel a stigma around it.
If your therapist sucks or just isnt a good fit for you, you find a new one. Like you would a mechanic, or doctor, or barista.
Sometimes I do. We have great healthcare. Can send a couple pics of a scrape like that and they note it incase anything happens which pretty much is never. And we can count the topical we buy or have delivered against the deductible.
It helps get the system down pat and shows our kid how to use it incase they have bigger questions for their doctor later or need to take care of a more serious problem without us.
The first therapist I saw told me “Some people just don’t enjoy life, maybe you’re one of those people” which was a strange thing to hear from a “mental health professional” and set off alarm bells.
The ironic thing is a lot of the “everybody needs therapy” crowd have never been to therapy. One therapist told my friend his addiction to prescribed drugs was a moral failing on his part. This lead him to attempt suicide by cop. This would not have happened if he had not gone to a therapist.
Honestly therapy isn’t for everyone. There’s lots of shitty therapists out there that do more damage than good, and far more often than not it’s expensive. I agree with the sentiment here but people on the internet really need to stop suggesting it to everyone all the time.
You’re correct. Therapy isn’t for everyone. It’s for people with mental health problems.
Therapists are just like any other professional. There are good ones and bad ones. If you’re seeing a bad one, keep looking until you find a good one.
Yes, exactly. But there are people even in the replies here trying to say everyone needs a therapist.
Everyone should see a therapist. Not every day or even every year but it’s one of the best preventative measures you can have. People bring it up because a lot of folks who struggle with basic emotional health problems don’t see one or feel a stigma around it.
If your therapist sucks or just isnt a good fit for you, you find a new one. Like you would a mechanic, or doctor, or barista.
Do you tell kids who scraped their knee to go see a doctor?
Sometimes I do. We have great healthcare. Can send a couple pics of a scrape like that and they note it incase anything happens which pretty much is never. And we can count the topical we buy or have delivered against the deductible.
It helps get the system down pat and shows our kid how to use it incase they have bigger questions for their doctor later or need to take care of a more serious problem without us.
Circumstances being less than ideal doesn’t mean that “therapy isn’t for everyone”. Therapy is therapy.
Therapy is based entirely on therapists, which are also human, and is just a job. And lots of people suck at their jobs.
The first therapist I saw told me “Some people just don’t enjoy life, maybe you’re one of those people” which was a strange thing to hear from a “mental health professional” and set off alarm bells.
You’re probably just supposed to feel shitty all the time. That will be $500 please.
The ironic thing is a lot of the “everybody needs therapy” crowd have never been to therapy. One therapist told my friend his addiction to prescribed drugs was a moral failing on his part. This lead him to attempt suicide by cop. This would not have happened if he had not gone to a therapist.
Okay but those therapists aren’t doing their job. They’re not giving therapy. That doesn’t mean not everyone can benefit from therapy.
Now you’re creating a logical fallacy. I’m not interested in engaging with that.