Anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, mood swings, urinary incontinence, diarrhea, dehydration, irregular heartbeat, overdose and death at very high doses
Not to worry, though. As scary as these effects may sound, for the vast majority of people, caffeine is generally considered as safe as other soft drugs such as aspirin or cannabis.
Still too early to really say for sure. You don’t really know yourself and you aren’t citing any studies.
I’ll provide the full works cited once I finish my paper. Atm I’m just commenting in a shitpost community.
I do feel confident I’m right, though. Cannabis has known benefits for certain conditions, which is why you can get a prescription.
As for you, I hope you don’t drink caffeine, which is far more addictive and harmful than THC.
Caffeine is definitely addictive, what harms should I look out for?
Anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, mood swings, urinary incontinence, diarrhea, dehydration, irregular heartbeat, overdose and death at very high doses
Not to worry, though. As scary as these effects may sound, for the vast majority of people, caffeine is generally considered as safe as other soft drugs such as aspirin or cannabis.
Okay internet rando, I’ll take your word for it because you’re “confident”