The goodbye is because they’re about to get the best sleep of their life and wake up feeling amazing in a kinder world.
how’s the world suddenly getting kinder
OP’s not there for 50hrs
The surprise egg company gets monopoly and nobody can stop them
“You’ve been asleep for 100 years. Welcome to Walmart. I love you.”
British assisted end of life
Oh shit. Bros about to sleep tight.
Man I hope those bedbugs don’t bite
If they do, they would probably go nighty night too after that dose
Be careful with this as some herbs commonly used in herbal tea can be laxative.
They can dangerously raise blood pressure, too! (Licorice.)
Fatally so, which is really unfortunate because I would absolutely eat that much if it wasn’t so damn expensive
Ugh yeah that’s horrible.
That’s a new one to me. You know the method of action on that one?
Check out the article from another comment in this thread for more info.
Missed opportunity to have the caption say “nighty night cruel world”
I like, that You had only four bags, but tried Your best, to make it look like more.
You saw right through them. I would be shaken if someone saw through me so effectively.
Make sure you leave the bags in for that extra dose of sweet sweet lead
If lead acetate is bad for me why does it taste so good?
Please explain
I remember reading how if you steep tea for too long a lot of the toxins and stuff seeps out and also a lot of tea is grown in areas where the soil contains lead and gets into the tea which sucks because how can you know
I was literally sipping a tea with the teabag in it and you made me take it out before doing anything else.
haha I got all my coworkers to stop leaving their tea bags in their cups, it keeps the tea from getting bitter also
but i like it bitter, now youre telling me its the lead :(
My drain is already bamaged enough I’ll drink my teabag water
There was a story that came out recently about those triangle/metallic-type tea bags are releasing tons of microplastics into your tea when the water is hot. So not exactly the ones in the photo because they’re paper, but still. Topical joke
Ok, gotcha. As someone who drinks a LOT of tea, I should probably read up on this. Thanks
Elevate but still lazy mode
TJ Homegoods should have some, $5-$10, then whatever loose leaf ya want and there’s a whole world of it!
Capers and turnip greens, my favorite herbal tea.
For real though, I should look into this. I’ve been enjoying some herbal tea at night. Mostly rooibos, but some ginger tumeric that smells like feet, but tasty feet.
One of my favorite teas has cardamom pods in it. Looks nasty af when I empty the pot.
This looks perfect!
Nice! I use a French press and loose tea from a Mediterranean market I get to every few weeks
If you’re going to do it, don’t just go “Original” go with passionflower.
The side of my family I don’t talk to anymore likes to accuse my every action of being such things. I once took 2 regular melatonin tabs as it’d equal the same strength as the ones I’d regularly take and they staged an intervention.
sip sip, out go the lights
Is that mixed with sweet prince?
The cactus hybrid or the tomato cultivar?
The one who moved to Bel Air.
A suicide joke without a trigger warning in my fediverse?
Not sure how I feel about it
Trigger warnings are for guns.
Feeling superior because you don’t understand someone else trauma is for idiots
Wasn’t there some research that said that trigger warnings re-enforce the trauma, when just seeing the content would help reduce it through exposure?
(Not something I follow, may be quack science or debunked)
Edit: tldr: increases anxiety, but people look at the content anyway, further research required
Wanting everyone to tiptoe around you because you can’t handle a picture on the internet, is for people who need to harden the hell up. News flash: The world doesn’t give 2 fucks about your sensitivities; and you’re crying about it on a community for humor. There is going to be jokes here that offend, I’m sure of it.
The idea that everyone needs to be “hard” is laughable. In a free country, people can be as hard or as soft as they wish, and form communities based around their own values with like-minded people.
Harden - To be come harder relative to the position you currently hold.
i.e. Just need to be harder than a limp noodle. Not asking someone to be stoic in the face of every life challenge – just hard enough not to be offended by pixels.
Doesn’t matter, in a free country they can get offended by whatever they want, and still create communities with like-minded people that also find whatever offensive.
You are the one trying to control them by coming into the space they created and wishing to mold it to your own idea of how a space should be, instead of how they wanted it when they created it.
When you go to someone’s house, you play by their rules or you leave. You do not get to set the values in other people’s houses, and these Lemmy servers are literally just sitting in different people’s homes. Their house, their rules. In the case of .world, where this community is located, pretty sensitive. This is fine, they have that freedom to be sensitive about pixels if they wish.
Doesn’t matter, in a free country they can get offended by whatever
Great, that’s fine - and I’m allowed to make fun of them for it in that case.
But, just letting you know – it’s bringing the mood down. In a place that’s dedicated to laughter and humor.
We don’t need this hyper-offended guilt-olympics in this place. We get it, you’re a victim everywhere you go…but could you go do it somewhere else?
Then shouldn’t the owner of the house be the one to make the decision? Not other guests?
I see no one calling for the removal of an existing trigger warning here. No changes to the status quo being requested. I see an asshole being a tool about someone making allusions that there should be a trigger warning.
Sorry to be pedantic. I’m generally supportive of your argument, but confused as shit because it doesn’t appear to apply here.
The world doesn’t care about anyone’s sensitivities, correct. That’s why people should. We don’t need to treat each other as dispassionately as nature treats us.
tell everyone more about how hard you are.
The crazy thing is you can just be nice to people while they are toughening themselves up, and you can also just be nice to people if they don’t care to so do.
The REALLY crazy thing is, if you had to care for and account for everybodies vulnerabilities on the internet, you’d never say a god damn thing. I’m not going to go mute because someone within the billions that are on the internet might be offended. Offense is taken, not given.