Banning elbows not being allowed on the table and hats not being allowed indoors are also wins for me
Elbows have always been allowed on the table. The rule for fancy dining was that you couldn’t have elbows on the table during a course, i.e., when people are actively eating, but before/after, it’s fine. That’s a reasonable rule to be considerate of space.
I’m gonna be the Debbie downer and mention that no-iron clothes have synthetics in them, the washing of which is a major contributor to the microplastics problem.
All clothes are no-iron clothes if you DGAF enough :)
This is the way.
All you gotta do it hang the shirts up, guys. That’s it. Gravity is nature’s iron.
But make sure you do so quickly after the dryer is done. Otherwise they’ll cool down and the creases will set.
I’d rather not follow any advice you give, MindTraveller. Thanks.
all ya’ll admitting to ironing your clothes in the comments are a bunch of dweebs, just saying.
Said ye who has not experienced Extreme Ironing.
As a millennial I still iron some clothes, especially for occasions I wanna look nice! I even got a Lil ironing board for it :3
I definitely have clothes I still need to iron. If I don’t iron some of my button downs, they have a lot of wrinkles and look bad.
I bought an ironing board and an iron when I moved into my current home thinking “yeah, I have some shirts, I’ll iron them when I need them”.
That was 3 years ago. The ironing board was put into a corner out of sight and the iron is still in its original packaging, unopened to this day. I’m trying to justify my purchase with “better to have it and not need it than the other way around”.
My parents bought me one when I moved out. Kept it around boxed for 5 years before throwing it out unused. If you care my clothing is wrinkled, I will never respect you.
Bragging about wasting a perfectly good tool (and a gift) that you were too stupid to figure out how to use. Then, to mask your embarrassment, you try to put blame onto those who do understand the purpose of an iron.
Grow up.
Ironing is the only time of the week where I have the time to watch TV or movies. Not that I don’t have free time, but I usually spend it in other ways. During ironing, I’m a captive audience. That said, I don’t iron all that much. I remember the last season of The Boys took me four months to finish…
Ironing seems like it’d be a really chill and relaxing activity, if we had time to engage in it.
Man, I iron all the time. I’m not like, ironing underwear like a crazy person, but I have a lot of shirts that would be straight up unacceptable to wear to work without it. It takes like 2 minutes.