TNG s6e18 “Starship Mine”
Hey, Nick at Nite was a thing in the 90s. I get the reference and I’m not going to regular Bingo nights yet.
Let me ask you this: how are your knees feeling these days?
They hurt like hell for an hour when I kneel down and get up too fast 😭
I’m offended, I don’t keep any can… It’s KitKats and Reece’s.
It still counts.
Vault!? Don’t you mean the pattern buffer? Oh no, you know what that means, run, save yourself before it’s… damn, too late, he’s here!
Osteoporose and raspberry flavor
Old beaver ass?
This is the incident that gave Janeway the idea to kill a character played by Tim Russ.
Respect for Worf casually holding a saddle one-handed. Those things are heavy.
9/10 sent this to my flute-collecting Boomer TNG fan dad
Not sure why you mentioned he collects flutes?
Fun fact - those are not Patrick Stewart’s hands.
Hahaha, oh, yea, forgot that episode. Thanks
My grandmother always had Werther’s Original. Maybe I should stock up…
That’s the good stuff. Much better than those strawberry bullshits.
Are those filled with flavored goop? I’ve never been a fan of strawberry so I’ve never had one.
The similarly-packaged orange ones, though? They’re amazing.
There were 2 types of the strawberry ones. Both horrid.
Yeah. Disgusting!
Where does a person go to buy those Strawberry Candies nowadays? You know, so I can be sure to avoid it…
I couldn’t possibly tell you.
Oh god, that brings back nightmare! She had those on occasion as well!!
I just watched that one!
TNG does a Die Hard is such a fun watch. Not to mention seeing what lengths Picard will go to protect his ship. Ruthless sumbitch.
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