Speaking of Biden’s age, did you know that his opponent is a 78 year old rageaholic with the diet of an unsupervised 9 year old?
One is an out-and-out unapologetic fascist and the other is an old grandpa.
I’d rather have the old grandpa. The worst he could do is die.
Honestly, him dying is very real concern to me. If Republicans keep the House and he passes away, I can certainly see somebody trying to do something to Kamala Harris, as the Speaker of the House is next in line after the Vice President.
That said, I’d vote for Joe Biden if he was fucking 110, if the other option was Donald Trump. Or any Republican honestly.
That’s been the dem strategy for 50 years. Not for anything we need, just less shitty then the worst of the worst. It’s why nothing ever gets better. Two capitalist parties fucking us.
It’s a sad state of affairs. It pains me when you see the same insanity trope play out year after year that we need to elect centrist/moderate candidates to cater to ignorance.
It deflates the energy in the grass-roots progressive movement that tends to do a lot of the inspiration for the Dems. We thus have low Voter enthusiasm (a polled metric in both 2016 and 2020). Then what inevitably happens is all that catering to moderates does little, Republicans hate us anyway, and the Overton Window continues to shift right.
What if the other option was an actual Elephant?
If only so I can see how they get him/her inside Air Force One, yes.
Ah yes, Operation Dumbo Drop suddenly makes sense.
I just wish any party could put forth a candidate actually worth voting for.
From an outside perspective both look very fascist to me. One is overt about it and the other is covert.
They’re both old grandpas.
No. Trump is a grandfather. There’s a difference. Grandpas love their grandchildren.
I’d rather have a left party not filled with geriatric fascists or neo libs that stands for something I believe in, rather than a false choice of who is less shitty between two capitalist dumpster fires.
That would be nice, but that is not a choice we have.
Not with that attitude and shortage of guillotines.
Unfortunately, there was no real primary, so we weren’t really given much of a choice now, were we?
Some democracy we have.
Hamburders VS. Ice Cream, man
77 but yeah
Let’s not have either, then.
Sorry mate. It’s one or the other.
You forgot to add “lol” at the end of your gloating.
Self fulfilling prophecy
No, personal choice
Old > Fascist
This isn’t even a question for me.
Don’t forget that Donny is also old. So Old > Old Fascist.
But he’s so much younger than Biden /s
It’s sickening to me that after 7 years fascism is even still an option at all, not too mention one of the two electable parties in this country.
I suspect that what made it possible in the first place is difficult to fix in a short timeframe unless you lose a war and are discovered to have committed genocide on a massive scale.
I find it interesting the same people who complained about Biden’s age in 2020 have nothing to say about Trump being that age for the next election.
And by “interesting” I mean “holy fuck, you all are in a cult and need to stop worshipping the orange-spray-tanned shitty-comb-over fascist.”
What a non-issue. Yes, people are making a lot of hay out of Biden’s age, but where’s the evidence of his mental decline? He’s always been a bad speaker, but I haven’t yet seen evidence that he’s forgotten where he is or that he’s confusing issues like Trump.
Fine, we’d like younger candidates. That’s fair. But that’s not reason to call Biden’s competence into question.
Bidens age is reason enough to challenge his competency just on the alone fact that science have proven that there is a large decline after I think 70. I do agree there needs to be an age limit for the president so I obviously hold a bias for that but as far as which way I lean I have no interest in that stuff.
Fine. His age is a reason to check. Which is why I ask for any other signs of mental decline. But the only evidence I’ve seen anyone put forward is his age, and that alone is not enough. As long as he remains competent as well as the incumbent, this line of criticism just boosts right-wing talking points.
science have proven that there is a large decline after I think 70
Keep in mind, this is for the overall population, on average. It isn’t going to be true for every individual. Some people are going to experience cognitive decline a lot earlier, some a lot later.
From what I can tell, Biden hasn’t had a large decline. He certainly isn’t as sharp as he used to be, but he’s still got all of his mental faculties in good order. Compare him with Feinstein for instance. Or Trump. It’s hard to tell with the latter and he’s always been a conspiracy favoring gibbering baboon, but he does seem to be growing increasingly unhinged.
Yeah, he’s too old. So let’s vote for the guy who’s 3 years younger and screw the policies…
What policies
He has quite a lot. They mostly involve turning the US into a fascist dictatorship.
Yes, because as much as leftists like call corporate America fascist, we’re still a long way from rock bottom.
For whom?
Do you know what a dictatorship is?
read project 2025
So it’s the most important election of our lives again, huh? If the other party gets in power democracy will be destroyed again, huh?
yes considering they spent all four years from 2016-2020 destroying and remaking the courts which are leading to things like the erosion of the VRA and election officials being threatened.
So we have no choice who to vote for.
Because democracy.
The determining factor is not age but competency
While I think the determining factor is if I want my kids to have a democracy.
The determining factor is not age but competency
If that were the case, Trump would never have won a race for local dog catcher, let alone POTUS.
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Which ironically was the work of Obama and not Trump.
It’s well known there is a considerable lag-time between policies implemented and effects.
Much of current struggles is a remnant of the pandemic which Trump handled disastrously in his final year.
That combined with global crises, notably Ukraine-Russia.
I hope you thanked Obama for that, since that was his doing.
I and many millions of others are better off financially now under Biden than we were under Trump’s stagnation and then recession economy. But maybe personal financial anecdotes aren’t the best way to judge presidential competency.
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Very common misconception to say “economy good when one president in office, but when another was in office economy bad”. In reality, we live under the previous administrations policies, as our government cannot make change happen overnight. It takes years to see the impacts of policies put into place. With that being said, the recession economy were in now was caused by a lot of trump era policies, while trump was riding out obama era policies during his term (allowing him to brag about how he was fixing the economy while not lifting a grubby orange finger to do so).
We’re not in a recession. Economic growth last quarter was almost 5% (which is massive) and growth has been positive for the last 4 quarters. The average quarterly growth over the last several decades has been closer to 2%.
The economy is doing just fine. Frankly, most people hear their neighbors complain about the economy, so they think the economy is bad, so they complain about the economy, and the result is everyone thinking the economy is terrible when it objectively isn’t.
Inflation is relatively high by recent historical standards, but it’s really not that high anymore and hasn’t been for most of 2023. People got sticker shock during the height of it last year and haven’t forgotten. But the labor market is still tight, people who gave up trying to find work a long time ago are entering the market and getting jobs again, wages continue to rise, business investment is up, and small businesses are being created at a historically rapid pace.
When pollsters ask people, “how is your personal financial situation?”, most people are answering “good.” When those same people are asked, “how do you think everyone else’s financial situation is?”, they scream “TERRIBLE!” That doesn’t mean there aren’t people suffering, but things aren’t nearly as gloomy as everyone insists they are.
Much like a lot of issues, the state of the economy is a regional phenomenon.
In a Ruby Red middle of nowhere West Virginia, it’s quite poor right now. I was laid off three months ago and cant find a single job outside of retail (not doing that again) or medical care (no qualifications).
I think it would be a mistake to completely discount people’s economic worries.
They had to turn the money machine off because of inflation. Money machine on does feel good tho.
Actually their needless spending “the money machine” is what caused inflation
Where’s your causality? You’re basically arguing that since B happened at the same time as A, therefore B happened because of A, which may be true, but can’t simply be assumed.
I would be much better off financially too if someone were willing to pay me 2-3x my annual salary to sit home for a year and a half, without the slightest concern for the impact pumping that much money into the economy all at once would cause.
Totally agree.
Perhaps any candidate, irrespective of age, should undergo a trusted, impartial cognitive test as a condition of candidacy.
We should have a randomly selected grand jury of licensed psychologists from around the nation who do that.
It’s astounding how many people will rail against discrimination, then turn around and immediately discriminate against someone strictly based on age.
We aren’t talking about a standard job. We’re talking about arguably the most important job in the world. There’s a reason we have a minimum age requirement too.
It’s not like age requirements for the presidency is some new concept.
Probably because a vast majority of us are discriminated against based on age, but it’s not actually illegal to do it to young people so it’s generally ignored. There’s actual good evidence to discriminate against old people as well, but since they largely control the government, it’s never going to happen.
Discrimination is great. When you shop for vegetables and pick out the ones that aren’t rotten or damaged, that’s discrimination. When you choose not to be friends with assholes, that’s discrimination.
You’re thinking of bigotry. Do you really think people asking for an age limit, which they themselves will be subjected to at some point, are doing so because of bigotry?
Yes, because discrimination based on age is one of the literal definitions of bigotry, but I assume you were being sarcastic, as opposed to being stupid.
I think we need to establish a “skin in the game” rule for federal office. If your age exceeds the median life expectancy of the national populace at the time of the election, you are unqualified to serve. If you want to participate in shaping the future of the nation, you have to have a future yourself.
Actually we should get back to the original concept. Real people with real jobs all termed limited for 2 terms max for either the House or Senate.
I’d rather old than fascist.
But, fucking hell, why can’t the fucking Democrats think farther out than one fucking election!?
Democrats have a great bench for the future, but not next year.
It’s not even old vs fascist. It’s old vs old fascist.
Can we just elect someone who’s already dead at this point?
Because I think FDR’s exhumed skeleton could get a lot more done than a mostly dead neoliberal like Biden.
Dianne Feinstein
Both the candidates are too damn old. The US is run by people who can’t remember where they are. It’s an utter disgrace.
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What sucks is a country run by geriatric oligarchs. This isn’t about disenfranchised seniors, this is about the people who make the policies that harm millions while bolstering the wealthy.
Ageism doesn’t have a damn thing to do with it. It’s absurd to even say it. These are the most powerful people in the country, possibly even the globe. They ain’t suffering from ageism.
… too damn old.
… geriatric …
Ageism doesn’t have a damn thing to do with it.???
You would have to be a fool to think Biden or Trump are victims of ageism.
Neither of them have known a moment of real struggle in their lives, to put them in the same group as seniors who can’t find employment and struggle to put food on their plates and roofs over their heads is laughable and either poorly thought out or outright disingenuous.
Biden, Trump, McConnell, Pelosi, all these monsters are the very architects of the problems seniors face either through their actions or inaction.
You’re purposely ignoring the fact that you called people out on the basis of their age, and then said “Ageism doesn’t have a damn thing to do with it.”
The person in command of the largest conventional and nuclear capable military on the planet shouldn’t be so old that they forget why they’re standing at a podium addressing the masses.
The context matters here. This isn’t like putting grandma in a home to rob her of her autonomy when she needs support, these are the people making the very policies that put people in the financial hardships that make that situation commonplace.
No one in these seats of power is suffering from ageism, it would be mad to think so.
So disqualify candidates on the basis of their mental acuity, not on age.
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So does having a minority leader who keeps needing to be rebooted, or a California senator with advanced dementia dying in office.
Ossified leadership sucks.
I’ll take an old fart over a maniac sociopath.
the only people with questions about his age are the media who keep bringing up questions about his age
hell id take jimmy carter now than any of the republicans
Christ. My mom is 65 and can’t be trusted to answer the phone without giving out her credit card and SSN.
“umm, yes, Mr Bidin, I’m calling from Microsoft regarding your iPod usage on the cloud, can I please get the launch codes for your nuclear devices for verification?”
At the very least we can be sure the iPhone he’s undoubtedly using is the secured one provided by the government. Unlike the walking info hazard that was his predecessor.
The main fact about Biden that basically negates the age issue for me is that he actually listens to his advisors, and values subject matter expertise. Trump (and most other republicans for that matter) only listen to someone if their nose is brown.
The fact that your argument is “my mom is dumb at 65 so Biden can’t be smart at 80” just leads one to believe that the issue with your mom’s intelligence has little to do with age related cognitive decline.
Do you want Hilary? Do you want Trump? Okay then your vote is for the old fart puppet
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