The Emperor protects trans kids
If you would like your own you can find “punk with a camera” online or at many large punk rock events in the US. He produces these as bumper stickers and t-shirts. He has other great designs as well.
well, if trans people didn’t exist, I wouldn’t have been called a crybaby bitch, which is something negative
Oh wow I saw this bumper sticker in the wild yesterday and I couldn’t tell what the image on the left was.
A transformer
You sure? It look like a Warhammer Character.
Pretty sure that was a joke answer of transformer -> trans
But yeah I do think that is the correct answer lolRight, you are ;)
Funny, I was just checking the comments to see what is was. I see Fallout brotherhood of steel knight guy in power armor, but idk about the thing on the left
Chaos space marine from 40k, yes.
A group having rights does not take rights away from you. It’s not pie.
Nope, but it does work toward balancing the scales of power, and christian cis white men hate that with a passion, and they conflate any perceived loss of power with oppression.
May I introduce you to Christians? Or how about the GOP? MAGA would like to also have a word. I could go on…
Why keep focusing on a single group?
Also, a group having pie does not take pie away from you. It’s not unobtanium.
“Part of my religion is forced evangelism. The government getting in the way of me forcing my religion on others violates my Freedom of Religion.”
deleted by creator
I don’t think ‘existing’ is the cause of problems we’re running into.
Like simply being a crybaby bitch isn’t really causing any problem. Their brain - their choice.
It’s actions that are at issue.
But ‘existing’ is exactly what transphobes take issue with?
The sticker isn’t saying they’re bad because they’re a crybaby bitch, it’s saying that getting upset at other people just for being who they are is crybaby bitch shit.
Though honestly I think that’s a bit unfair to crybaby bitches, who often are just upset over something silly. They’re being hateful bigoted scumbags.
Sure. Doesn’t mean I have to fly your flag. I don’t ask you to fly mine. Can we both respect that?
Nobody is asking you to fly someone’s flag. Trans people just want the freedom of not being refused jobs and generally not be verbally assaulted and then denied at any institution they visit. These people can barely live, because assholes in power actively go out of their way to fuck them over.
Oh what’s that? You look, sound and act like a man, but upon closer inspection your ID says F? Guess you’re just not a good fit for this society, sorry, better luck next time!
I’m sick of people making this about some culture war. It’s about freedom of expression. A core principle of the constitution and the human rights charter! A violation of such core principles, will eventually came to bite you too, once trans people, but also immigrants and other minorities are gone and the rich need a new scapegoat. Next will come thought crime, once we all look the same, like in the old days.
I don’t ask you to fly mine. Can we both respect that?
I don’t see where anyone asked you to fly theirs, either?
Go check out what happened to the warmington mayor when he refused. His town doesn’t even have a flag pole!
Lmao your victim complex is truly impressive, a 5s google search show that he wasn’t fined for refusing to fly the flag or make a pride statement, but because he did it explicitly because of his bigotry AND he followed it with discriminatory statements. But please keep outing yourself as an ignorant hateful sheep it make it easier to laugh at you.
Unless you’re the mayor of Warmington, I still don’t see anyone asking you to fly their flag.
“I know this post is specifically about how trans people existence has ZERO impact on my life…so how can I still make it about myself? In a way that makes ME be the victim too?”
That’s what you wrote. Almost a skill how the whole point flew over your head
I feel like I should tattoo the verses they seem to ignore on their foreheads backwards so they have to see it every time they look in the mirror: Love thy neighbor as thyself and Judge not lest ye be judged. Hypocrites.
Car:“key me”
Bigot: “Well, if you insist…”
install powerful internal camera
press charges
Put it on your car and take another picture to show that you did. Being an ally for internet clout isn’t enough. Sorry for posting a bunch on a single thread, I guess I kinda care a lot about this.
It’s fine to post a meme without following your orders. Jesus Christ.
It does something negative to my life- namely it makes me very scared for their safety. Especially in the U.S.
But that is not their fault. It’s the fault of the bigots who hate them for existing.
You can order these online. Here’s mine:
Slaanesh approves.
This meme is great because the end part of the slogan is so versatile
Happy cake day you crybaby bitch!
Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.
Aw thanks cunt
😄 Australian?
Whenever someone ends their sentence with “, cunt!” I always read it in an Australian accent, and I may or may not add a “ya” before the “cunt”.
Thanks to Monty Python, I half expect to hear any Aussie I meet ask “are you a poofter?”
And this belongs here why?
I love how y’all just keep outing yourselves
It’s not similar to any meme I know.